Best of the Blogs: Rocklin Ranch Veterinary Hospital’s Top 10 Blogs of 2019

As we take a look back at our blogs of 2019, we are reminded of all of the educational and entertaining pet information that’s important to our readers.
At Rocklin Ranch, we advocate for and support the empowered, well informed pet owners who provide the best possible care for their fur friends. The past year may have had its highs and lows, as all years do, but it is our hope that you were able to provide the essential things that make for excellent pet health and well-being.
When it comes to our blog, we are honored that our pet families love the posts. It is our pleasure to provide you with the topics that matter most to you! That said, here are our top 10 blogs of 2019.
Top 10 Blogs of 2019

10. Keeping Pets Safe from Snakes at Home
Californians are fairly well-versed at looking out for snakes while enjoying our state’s open spaces – especially while hiking or camping with our pets. Even though we know we share a close proximity (sometimes too close!) to various types of wildlife, it’s often a surprise to run into snakes in our own backyards. Read on!
9. Ask-a-Vet: Why Do Dogs Chase Their Tails?
If you haven’t seen a dog chasing its tail in real life, you’ve likely seen an image or video of this uniquely canine behavior. Indeed, dogs provide us with countless hours of entertainment, and the tail-chasing is high on the list. But have you ever wondered why they do it? Find out!!
8. Keep Your Dog Safe at the Beach
Who doesn’t love a trip to the coast? It’s a wonderful way for us to escape the summer heat or winter blahs and is, of course, best shared with our furry four-legged family members. But, are there specific things to know to keep your dog safe at the beach? Dive in…

7. Not So Sweet: Xylitol Poisoning in Pets
Xylitol, a popular sugar substitute, is found in everything from cough drops to peanut butter to toothpaste, and it doesn’t take much to severely affect or even kill a pet. Read more…
6. Heated Pet Bed Safety Tips
When the weather outside is frightful, most everyone is tempted to snuggle up in the warmth of our homes. Pets are no different, and there may be no sight so sweet as a beloved pet curled up in a toasty place while the wind howls all around. Keep reading…
5. Keep Calm and Listen On: How Music Can Help Pets
It turns out that pets may also enjoy certain types of music! If used correctly, music can help pets who suffer from separation anxiety and other issues. Read on!
4. Understanding Your Pet’s Risk and the Rattlesnake Vaccination
California living is hard to beat, but one thing that many of us could live without is the worry of rattlesnakes. If you have lived here very long, you have probably learned a little bit about rattlesnake safety and how to peacefully cohabitate with the reptiles in the landscape. Read more…

3. Cat Language: What Kitty is Trying to Tell You
Cat language is subtle, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t constantly trying to communicate with us. With a little bit of practice, you can pick up on what your cat is trying to tell you. Meow?
2. What’s that Ssssound? Snake Safety for Pets 101
Of the roughly 35 species of snakes in California, six of them are highly venomous, making snake safety for pets an important topic to our readers. Whether you find these reptiles fascinating or revolting, it’s important to recognize the very real threat they pose to our four-legged companions. Keep reading..
1. A Stinky Situation: What to Do if Your Pet is Sprayed by a Skunk
Oh, the unmistakable aroma of that stinky spray from a skunk’s backside, and almost always at the most inconvenient of times! Dogs and skunks tend to meet more often than we would like, and once they do our pets often bring home that lingering smell as a souvenir. Read more…

It turns out that pets may also enjoy certain types of music! If used correctly, music can help pets who suffer from separation anxiety and other issues. Read on!
We hope you enjoy this year in review! As we look into 2020, our priority is to give you the informative topics that help answer your questions and raise awareness (and enthusiasm) about pet health. If you have any recommendations on pet topics you would like for us to cover, please let us know.
From all of us, we hope you and your fur friend have an amazing New Year!